Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Drawing Class. March 30th. Alice.

This assignment was taken from the story Alice in Wonderland. The idea was to describe the experience of eating/drinking and growing/shrinking through a visual narrative using no call outs and the medium of their choice. Often the students will have to describe the usage of a product through there drawings. They were allowed to interpret the idea or take it literally. The result was very unique to the individual. I dont like to define the end result for assignments, but the define parameters to execute them. In doing this you get very unique solutions that reflects the individual.

3d Class. March 29th. Fabric forms.

Hawk's New Shirt

3d Class. March 29th. Iphone

March 19th. 3d Class.

Drawing March 16th.

I have been a bit late to post because I just moved to...Philadelphia!!! This drawing session is from March 16th......

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Drawing Class Two weeks ago

I am planning a move to Philadelphia in the next two weeks...I have been falling behind posting the classes. This particular week their sketchbooks were due. I had assigned them to fill up a moleskin in three weeks....I originally wanted them to fill it in one (which most did anyway). I thought it was a nice break to their typical "Industrial Design Blue Pencil Drawings". The students in the Industrial Design program don't have the time to explore themselves through drawing as much as they should. They get caught up on shoes and cars and chairs. This project allows them to have fun and explore without  having to "design" something and in turn they discover more about themselves. I was truly delighted to see what the students accomplished. Lastly some class work drawings.